Too Much Blush

Makeup_Blush_TipsDo you suffer from the "too much blush" syndrome? You know the feeling you get when you catch yourself in the mirror and you're seeing red? No, you just didn't run into your ex, you overdosed on blush.

Have no fear, it can easily be treated.

Use a makeup sponge & a dab of your foundation (liquid or powder will do) and brush the sponge down your cheeks until you've gotten an optimal balance of natural color.

On the go with no makeup sponge? Improvise with a tissue or your fingers (clean, of course). No makeup to cover up all the red? Dampen a tissue and gently swipe across your cheeks.

Crisis adverted and no one will be the wiser to your overzealous ways.

Tags: beauty tips, makeup, tutorial

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