How to Apply Perfume

How_To_Apply_PerfumeWe all want to smell good but when it comes time to choosing a perfume and knowing where to apply it without leaving a trail of innocent coughing bystanders in my wake, I must admit, I’m at a loss. But with a little research and the opinions of great smelling others, I have found the solution to smelling like a rose.

Testing a new scent is great but knowing how to test it is better. Sure, that department store perfume smells amazing on its paper strip but to really know if it’s right for you test it on your wrist. Spritz on your wrist and wait a few minutes, if it still smells great then you’ll know that the perfume mixes well with your body chemistry.

Don’t apply it the way you think you would. A common mistake with applying perfume is rubbing your wrists together after spraying. Letting the perfume air dry allows it to hold its true scent, when you rub you’re changing the evaporation process.

Where to keep it when you’re not wearing it. It’s hard not to want to keep your perfume on display (the bottles are like tiny sweet smelling sculptures) but if you want your perfume smelling good till the last drop then keeping your bottle in a cool dark place is best.

Here, there but not everywhere:

Tags: perfume, beauty tips, tutorial

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